
Helper classes and functions for math-related logic.

# Point

# Properties

# x: number

# y: number

# Methods

# copy(): Point

Clones to another Point object.

# add(input: number | Vector, y?: number): void

Add either numbers or a Vector.

# subtract(input: Point): this

Subctract another Point object.

# to(input: Point): Vector

Return a Vector from this Point to the input Point.

# Vector

# Properties

# magnitude: number

# direction: number

# Methods

# set(p1: Point, p2?: Point): void

Point the Vector from p1 to p2.

# add(vector: Vector): void

Add another Vector.

# Functions

# clamp(number: number, min: number, max: number): number

Restricts a value to a specified minimum and maximum.

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