
Allows you to handle mouse and touch events together and provides you useful data like movement delta and the pointer speed in pixels per second. You can use this to create your own mouse or touch based logic the same way it's used in the Carousel component for changing slides.

import { Gesture } from 'oblik/utils'

let gesture = new Gesture(document.body)

gesture.on('start', event => {
    // Mouse down or touch started.

gesture.on('move', event => {
    // Mouse position or touch updated.

gesture.on('end', event => {
    // Mouse up or all fingers are up.

# Swipes

Gestures are managed with the Swipe abstraction. On desktop, there's always one swipe - the mouse pointer. On mobile, however, you can touch with multiple fingers, and you therefore have multiple swipes.

gesture.swipes.forEach(swipe => {
    // Do something with each swipe.

The Swipe objects have the following properties:

# Events

All events are emitted with either the MouseEvent or TouchEvent that happened. This is described by the GestureEvent type.

# start (event: GestureEvent)

Fired when the first swipe starts.

# down (event: GestureEvent)

Fired whenever a new swipe starts, which means mousedown and touchstart.

# move (event: GestureEvent)

Fried whenever a swipe is updated, which means mousemove and touchmove.

# up (event: GestureEvent)

Fired whenever a swipe ends, which means mouseup, mouseleave, touchend, and touchcancel.

# end (event: GestureEvent)

Fired when the last swipe ends.

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