
Collection of easings functions. These functions all take a single value ranging from 0 to 1 as input and return the eased value. Example with an Animation:

import { Animation } from 'oblik/utils/animation'
import { linear, easeOutQuad } from 'oblik/utils/easings'

let anim = new Animation(500)

anim.on('update', step => {
    console.log(linear(step), easeOutQuad(step))

0.000 0.000
0.098 0.186
0.262 0.455
0.576 0.820
0.808 0.963
0.978 0.999
1.000 1.000

You can see a visual example of most easings at easings.net.

# linear

# easeInQuad

# easeOutQuad

# easeInOutQuad

# easeInCubic

# easeOutCubic

# easeInOutCubic

# easeInQuart

# easeOutQuart

# easeInOutQuart

# easeInQuint

# easeOutQuint

# easeInOutQuint

# easeInSine

# easeOutSine

# easeInOutSine

# easeInExpo

# easeOutExpo

# easeInOutExpo

# easeInCirc

# easeOutCirc

# easeInOutCirc

# easeInBack

# easeOutBack

# easeInOutBack

# easeOutElastic

# easeOutBounce

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