Class that implements the event emitter pattern. Allows you to specify the context (this
value) and to remove listeners based on that context.
import { Emitter } from 'oblik/utils/emitter'
let emitter = new Emitter()
let listener = function (value, value2) {
console.log('context', this)
console.log('values', value, value2)
'test', // event name
listener, // callback
'foo' // context
// Emit a "test" event with the values "bar" and "baz"
emitter.emit('test', 'bar', 'baz')
// Remove the specified listener from the "test" event.
emitter.off('test', listener)
// Remove all "test" listeners where the context is "foo".
emitter.off('test', null, 'foo')
// Remove all listeners where the context is "foo".
context "foo"
values "bar" "baz"
If you're using TypeScript, you can specify event types as well:
type Events = {
foo: (text: string) => void
let emitter = new Emitter<Events>()
emitter.emit('foo', 42) // Argument of type '42' is not assignable
// to parameter of type 'string'. ts(2345)
# Promises
You can also wait for an event with a Promise. It's just a promisified once()
emitter.promise('test').then(() => {
// "test" event resolved