
Simply toggles a class on an element. Useful for showing and hiding mobile navigation menus.

<button ob-toggle="$target: @sibling">

		<li><a href="#">Foo</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Bar</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Baz</a></li>
nav:not(.is-active) {
	display: none;
import { Watcher } from 'oblik'
import { Toggle } from 'oblik/components/toggle'

let w = new Watcher(document.body, {
	components: {
		toggle: Toggle


# Options

# target

To what element the class should be added.


# on

Event that adds the class. If off is not set, this will toggle the class instead.

Default: click

# off

Event that removes the class.

Default: undefined

# active

Initial toggled state.

Default: false

# class

The added class.

Default: is-active

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