
Opens a social media sharer window with prefilled URL and text or copies the page URL to the clipboard.

<span>Share on:</span>

<button ob-sharer="type: facebook">Facebook</button>
<button ob-sharer="type: twitter">Twitter</button>
<button ob-sharer="type: linkedin">LinkedIn</button>
<button ob-sharer="type: reddit">Reddit</button>
<button ob-sharer="type: pinterest">Pinterest</button>
<button ob-sharer="type: copy">Copy URL</button>
import { Watcher } from 'oblik'
import { Sharer } from 'oblik/components/sharer'

let w = new Watcher(document.body, {
	components: {
		sharer: Sharer


# Options

# type

Which social media sharer to invoke:

Can also be set to copy to copy the URL to the clipboard instead.

Default: undefined

# url

What URL to share.

Default: window.location.href

# text

What text to share. Only available for twitter, reddit, and pinterest.

Default: document.title

# image

What image to share. Only available for pinterest.

Default: undefined

# width

Width of the opened popup window.

Default: 600

# height

Height of the opened popup window.

Default: 400

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