
Allows pages to be navigated without a refresh, similar to how single-page applications work. It does that by preventing the default functionality when clicking on a link, loading its href with AJAX, and injecting the content.

<div ob-loader>
	<div ob-loader-container>

		<p>Vivamus eu volutpat enim. Proin …</p>
		<p>Integer ligula eros, mattis ac …</p>
		<p>Sed eget imperdiet nulla. Vestibulum …</p>

			<a class="is-active" href="/examples/loader">Foo</a>
			<a href="/examples/loader/bar">Bar</a>
import { Watcher } from 'oblik'
import { Loader } from 'oblik/components/loader'

let w = new Watcher(document.body, {
	components: {
		loader: Loader


If you want to have page transitions, all you have to do is extend the Container subcomponent. It has animateIn() and animateOut() methods which should return a Promise that resolves when the animation has finished. By default, they return an already resolved Promise (no animation). But here, we'll add a class that applies a CSS animation and use the promiseAnimation() method to return a Promise that resolves when the animationend event is fired:

<div ob-loader>

		<div ob-loader-nav>
			<a class="is-active" href="/examples/loader-animated">Foo</a>
			<a href="/examples/loader-animated/bar">Bar</a>

	<div ob-loader-content>

		<p>Vivamus eu volutpat enim. Proin …</p>
		<p>Integer ligula eros, mattis ac …</p>
		<p>Sed eget imperdiet nulla. Vestibulum …</p>
@keyframes slide-in {
	0% { transform: translateY(15%); opacity: 0; }
	100% { transform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1; }

@keyframes slide-out {
	0% { transform: translateY(0px); opacity: 1; }
	100% { transform: translateY(-15%); opacity: 0; }

.is-animate-in {
	animation-name: slide-in;

.is-animate-out {
	animation-name: slide-out;

[ob-loader-nav] {
	animation-duration: 0.3s;

[ob-loader-content] {
	animation-duration: 0.6s;

[ob-loader-nav], [ob-loader-content] {
	animation-timing-function: ease;
	animation-fill-mode: both;
import { Watcher } from 'oblik'
import { Loader, Container } from 'oblik/components/loader'

class Content extends Container {
	animateIn () {
		return this.promiseAnimation()

	animateOut () {
		return this.promiseAnimation()

class Nav extends Content {
	// Uses the same logic as the first container.

Loader.components.content = Content
Loader.components.nav = Nav

let w = new Watcher(document.body, {
	components: {
		loader: Loader


A useful side effect is that thanks to the Watcher, all Oblik components are automatically initialized and destroyed when added/removed from the page. This greatly reduces complexity and the chance for memory leaks.

# Components

Note: You can have as many containers as you need.

# Options

# scroll.duration

Duration for the scroll animation. Setting this to 0 disables the animation.

Default: 1000

# scroll.easing

Easing for the scroll animation.

Default: easeOutQuint

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