
Reusable JavaScript logic is encapsulated in components via ES6 classes. You can create your own Oblik components by simply extending the base component:

import { Component } from 'oblik'

class MyComponent extends Component {
    // component logic...

# Lifecycle

There are three hooks in a component's lifecycle:

  1. create - when the component's constructor function is run
  2. init - when all child components have been created and initialized
  3. destroy - when the component is no longer needed on the page

In your components, you use hooks like this:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    create () {

    init () {

    destroy () {

And when you create an instance of your component:

let instance = new MyComponent() // 'created'
instance.$init()                 // 'initialized'

// later...

instance.$destroy()              // 'destroyed'

When using the Watcher, the code above is obsolete since components are managed automatically. Learn more about the Watcher.

# Properties

In its constructor function, each component accepts the following arguments:

class MyComponent extends Component { ... }
class MyChildComponent extends Component { ... }

let parentInstance = new MyComponent(document.body)
let childInstance = new MyChildComponent(
    document.querySelector('.foo'), // element
    { number: 42, text: 'test' },   // options
    parentInstance                  // parent

# $element

Holds a reference to the DOM element that is bound to the component:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    create () {
        console.log(this.$element) // HTMLElement

let el = document.querySelector('.my-element')
let instance = new MyComponent(el)
instance.$element // el

# $options

Configuration object that is passed to the component.

# $parent

Reference to the parent component, if there is one.

Note: This is a reference to the parent component, not the DOM element. To get the element, use $parent.$element.

# Static properties

Properties like $element are present on component instances (objects created with the new keyword). Static properties are part of the component definition itself (the class declaration). Read about classes on MDN.

# components

Defines subcomponents for a given component:

class MySubcomponent extends Component { }

class MyComponent extends Component {
    static components = {
        foo: MySubcomponent

# defaults

An object with default options for component instances:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    static defaults = {
        foo: 'bar',
        num: 42

Any options you pass to a component will be merged with the defaults. For example, this instance:

let instance = new MyComponent(element, {
    test: 'hello'

...will have the following $options:

    foo: 'bar',
    num: 42,
    test: 'hello'

# Child references

Whenever a child is added, the parent receives a new property that holds a reference to it. The property name is based on the registered name for the child:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    static components = {
        foo: MySubcomponent

    init () {
        this.$foo // the child component
        this.$foo.$element // the child's DOM element

If you want to have multiple child components of the same type, all you need to do is initialize the child reference property with an empty array:

class MyComponent extends Component {
    static components = {
        foo: MySubcomponent

    create () {
        this.$foo = []

    init () {

The $foo array will be updated accordingly when child components are added/removed.

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